Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Advice to a Would-Be Publishing Intern

I was recently contacted by a younger (ahem!) college-aged friend, who is pursuing a degree in writing. They wanted my advice on pursuing an internship with a publishing company (specifically a Christian publishing house where his college is located). Here is what I had to say:
I would advise you to figure out which publishing companies publish books that you respect--the kinds of books you enjoy and that get you excited. That will narrow the field to companies you are really interested in and learning from. In [your city], publishing companies range from the more corporate to the smaller, family-owned houses. Then there are the ones that are more middle of the road in their size and scope. I would have you look at each company and really see what kinds of books they publish--ask yourself if they publish the kinds of books you respect. 
I also asked him what he wants to do with his degree, because that will focus the direction I give him and the people to whom I refer him. There are so many hopeful publishing industry professionals out there right now, looking for great internships that will help to propel them into their chosen careers. My advice to all of them would be the same: take a good hard look at the companies where you might want to intern—what books do they publish? Do you respect and enjoy the books they publish? What is their direction? What is their philosophy? What is their view of the publishing industry at a whole? There are many other questions to ask, but starting with these is a great way to begin your search.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Conversation Starters - Questions to Ask Your Child About School

This year has marked the transition from carefree pre-school days to the rigors of elementary school life for my family. I saw it coming, and yet did not see it coming—all at the same time. It definitely came entirely too quickly. I know I'm not alone in those feelings either (fist-bump to all you other parents out there).

If you're anything like me, you are dying to know what goes on with your child during the day, when you are not around (unless your child is that child, and you just prefer not to know). So, you ask them the infamous "how was your day?" question. But alas, you typically get answers like, "Fine," and "I don't know," and "I don't remember." Really? I gave birth to you and have dedicated my life to bringing you up, and this is how you repay me when I ask for simple information?

Well, I have some ways to eek out that valuable information from your child. Using questions like these have really helped me get a better grasp on what goes on with my child during the school day. Use them as-is, put your own twist on them, or come up with completely new ones! Then come back and let me know how the new conversation goes. I would love to know! And if you have discovered a new question that has generated some great discussion or conversation, I would love to hear about that, too!


  1. What was the first thing you guys did in your classroom today?
  2. What was your special area today? (Computers, Library, Music, PE, Spanish, etc.)
  3. What was your favorite part of your day? Why was it your favorite?
  4. Did you have recess today? How many times? What did you play (or play on)? Who did you play with?
  5. Did anyone special come and talk with your class today? What about?
  6. Who did you sit by at lunch today?
  7. Was there anything that frustrated you, made you sad, or upset you today?
  8. Was anyone mean to you today? Were you mean to anyone today?
  9. Did you have a special job in your class today or this week?
  10. Did your teacher read any books to your class today? What were they?
  11. Did you sing any songs in your class today?
  12. +Add your own!
I hope this helps to get the conversation at the end of your child's school day. The time goes so quickly...Carpe Diem!