Wednesday, February 11, 2015

The Definition of Patience

Patience. It's a life-long struggle. The first quote that comes to mind is, "Patience is a virtue." But, what IS it really? When I Google the word, I get definitions like: the capacity, quality, or fact of being patient.

And one who displays patience has these qualities (according to Merriam-Webster):

  • Bearing pains or trials calmly or without complaint
  • Manifesting forbearance under provocation or strain
  • Not hasty or impetuous
  • Steadfast despite opposition, difficulty, or adversity

The word has synonyms like forbearance, long-suffering, sufferance, and tolerance. Those words contain a lot of power.

As a parent, the idea of having patience has taken on new dimensions. Yes, dimensionS—plural. I cannot tell you how many times I have gently (ahem!) encouraged my children to possess this quality. Truthfully, I have come to see how much I lack this quality in my life—my relationships, my hopes, my wants, my needs, and on and on.

One day, it hit me. I was trying to explain to my child what it really MEANS to have patience—to BE patient. And I told her, "Patience is...waiting without complaining." And my own words pierced my heart. Thank God for His grace in that moment.

How often it is that my anxieties and my own little daily stresses throw me off, and cause me to be irritable It's funny how often not being patient leads to complaints, ingratitude, and general crankiness. There is so much unrest in my own life, when I lack patience. Without patience, my life lacks peace.

There is an inherent peacefulness that accompanies patience. It's like the calm in the midst of the storm. It's peace in the midst of the chaos. We can all picture someone in our lives who has displayed this peaceful patience, either in the past or in the present. When I see people like this, I cannot help but envy their peace. It's a quality I long to emulate.

When my children are impatient, it is often accompanied by whining, and sometimes tears. Sometimes, they are inconsolable (read: having a tantrum). I often tell them that instead of resorting to these tactics, they have the ability to use a strong voice, their manners, and have some patience. Perhaps I (and we all) would do well to use my strong voice, my manners, and have a little patience when I encounter a situation (or even a person) that has the ability to unsettle me.

Patience is...waiting without complaining.

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